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"In.Visible Paradigms navigated a delicate line between understanding 'where we were coming from' and challenging us to change our way of thinking. The facilitator was respectful yet firm. It was sometimes hard to hear, but when I finally understood her point of view, it was eye opening and extremely impactful. I can't unsee what In.Visible Paradigms has shown me." - Cohort Participant



Alchemize lessons from plants to sustain y(our) allyship.

Cohorts inform and transform a collective of white allies to design personal strategies that reshape power and address the systemic inequalities that are operating simultaneously at internalized and interpersonal levels.​

The Journey

This 10 week cohort, begins with introductions to key frameworks in anti-oppression and somatic wisdom. The journey deepens as relationships form across members, and opportunities arise to practice and integrate accountability in your everyday life. 

1. Gathering Y(our) Tools

2 & 3. Preparing Y(our) Soil

4. Planting Y(our) Seeds

5. Identifying Y(our) Invasive Species

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6. Addressing Y(our) Root Rot

7. Nourishing Y(our) Plants

8. Sharing Y(our) Harvest

9. Honoring Y(our) Decay & Dormancy

10.Lessons From Dandelions

​10 structured weeks, consisting of:

  • 10 to 15 white allies.

  • Five facilitated sessions: two hours each, every other week. Relational and experiential practices are woven throughout. 

  • Five virtual peer accountability sessions: participants meet to reflect on the curriculum, engage with core teachings, and connect with one another in order to practice and integrate all that is being learned and unlearned.

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Meet Anna!
One of our former cohorts that were brought into an organization. 

The Expectation

Change requires energy. As such, we support members develop practices to deepen allyship and personal accountability. We guide all through a journey that incorporates their work, relationships and personal lives to sustain anti-oppression commitments. 

The Community: The Accountability Collective 

Finally, you'll be integrated to our Accountability Collective. This is where previous participants of our cohorts and select consulting clients engage in ongoing gatherings. The Accountability Collective is an evergreen container of growth, continued practice, and accountability.
*If you want more information, check out our Accountability Collective tab.
*Your membership is already built into the price of the course fee.

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In.Visible Paradigms

Our work takes place on the stolen land of turtle island. We recognize that we work and live on the land of the Massadchueset, Pawtucket, Arapaho, Cheyenne DDiné Bikéyah, and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ tribes. 

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©2023 In.VIsible Paradigms. All rights reserved.

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